Cthulhu Wars Strategy Wiki

"Cthulhu Wars", also known as "Onslaught One", was the first kickstarter for the Cthulhu Wars boardgame. It ran from June 7 to July 7, 2013, achieving 4389 backers and $1,403,981 pledged.


Pledge Level Cost Pledge Manager Stretch Goals Digital Art Book Core Box Collector's Edition Minis Choice of First-Player Marker & Art Print Core Faction Opener of the Way Choice of Faction or Map Expansions Custom Cthulhu Dice Plastic Gates Great Old Ones High Priests
Investigator $10 X
Options Only $11 X X
Asenath Waite /
HP Lovecraft
$25 X 1
Collector $50 X
Cultist Early Bird 1 $110 X X X X X
Early Bird 2 $115
Early Bird 3 $120
Early Bird 4 $125
Early Bird 5 $130
Early Bird 6 $134
Early Bird 7 $138
Early Bird 8 $140
Early Bird 9 $142
Early Bird 10 $144
Early Bird 11 $146
Early Bird 12 $148
The Game $150
Father's Day Special $200 X X X X X 1 X 12 22 9
Cultes Des Goules Early Bird 1 $220 X X X X X 1 X 20 22 9
Early Bird 2 $224
Early Bird 3 $228
Early Bird 4 $232
Early Bird 5 $236
Book of Eibon $200 X X X X X 1 3 20 22 9 X
GenCon - Come Dine with the Elder Gods! $420 X X X X X 1 3 20 22 9 X
Includes meet and dinner with Sandy Peterson at GenCon on August 15–18, as well as pre-release gameplay and all items signed.
NecronomiCon - Come Dine with the Elder Gods! $500 X X X X X 1 3 20 22 9 X
Includes meet and dinner with Sandy Peterson at GenCon on August 22–25, as well as pre-release gameplay and all items signed.
De Vermiis Mysteriis $525 X X X X X 2 8 20 22 9 X
Does not include t-shirt or art prints. Also released in webstore as "Necronomicon Bundle"


Stretch Goals[]

  • $40,000: Kickstarter is funded. All backers at Cultist or above will have their names inscribed on the boxed game.
  • $50,000: The players' handbook will be printed in full color.
  • $60,000: Core Box will include 2-player rules and an extra Power/Doom track.
  • $100,000: Sleeper faction added to Pledge Manager.
  • $125,000: Windwalker faction added to Pledge Manager.
  • $150,000: Azathoth faction added to Pledge Manager.
  • $200,000: Primeval Map added to Pledge Manager.
  • $250,000: Yuggoth Map added to Pledge Manager.
  • $300,000: Yig added to all pledges of Cultes Des Goules or above, or of $200 or greater.
  • $325,000: Atlach-Nacha added to all pledges of Cultes Des Goules or above, or of $200 or greater.
  • $350,000: Ghatanothoa added to all pledges of Cultes Des Goules or above, or of $200 or greater.
  • $375,000: Bokrug added to all pledges of Cultes Des Goules or above, or of $200 or greater.
  • $400,000: Abhoth added to all pledges of Cultes Des Goules or above, or of $200 or greater.
  • $425,000: Chaugnar Faugn added to all pledges of Cultes Des Goules or above, or of $200 or greater.
  • $450,000: Cthugha added to all pledges of Cultes Des Goules or above, or of $200 or greater.
  • $475,000: Dreamlands Map added to Pledge Manager.
  • $500,000: Father Dagon and Mother Hydra added to all pledges of Cultes Des Goules or above, or of $200 or greater.
  • $512,500: 8 additional dice added to all pledges of Cultist or above.
  • $550,000: High Priests added to Pledge Manager.
  • $600,000: 6 additional gates added to Plastic Gates add-on.
  • $650,000: Dreamlands Underworld Monster Pack added to Pledge Manager.
  • 2800 backers: Acolyte added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • 2900 backers: Deep One added to Collector's Edition Minis for all pledges of Cultist or above.
  • 3000 backers: Undead added to Collector's Edition Minis for all pledges of Cultist or above.
  • $700,000: Dreamlands Surface Monster Pack added to Pledge Manager.
  • 3100 backers: Mutant added to Collector's Edition Minis for all pledges including the Opener of the Way faction.
  • 3200 backers: Nightgaunt added to Collector's Edition Minis for all pledges of Cultist or above.
  • 3300 backers: Wizard added to Collector's Edition Minis for all pledges including the Sleeper faction.
  • $750,000: H.P. Lovecraft First Player Marker added to Pledge Manager.
  • $800,000: All faction cards will be 3mm die cut cardboard.
  • $850,000: The Power Marker and Doom Marker will be plastic figurines.
  • $900,000: 6-8 Player Earth Map added to Pledge Manager.
  • $925,000 or 3400 backers: Ghoul added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $975,000 or 3450 backers: Wendigo added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,000,000 or 3500 backers: Shoggoth added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,025,000 or 3550 backers: Byakhee added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,050,000 or 3600 backers: Abomination added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,075,000 or 3650 backers: Fungi From Yuggoth added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,075,000 or 3700 backers: Serpent Man added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,075,000 or 3750 backers: Flying Polyp added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,075,000 or 3800 backers: Spawn of Yog-Sothoth added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,075,000 or 3850 backers: Starspawn added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,075,000 or 3900 backers: Gnoph-Keh added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,075,000 or 3950 backers: Hunting Horror added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,075,000 or 4000 backers: Formless Spawn added to Collector's Edition Minis.
  • $1,260,000: Gobogeg added to all pledges of Book of Eibon or above.
  • $1,275,000 or 4050 backers: Dark Young added to Collector's Edition Minis.

The Collector's Edition Minis versions of the High Priest, Zoog, Ghast, Moonbeast, Dimensional Shambler, Leng Spider, Slime Mold , Elder Thing, Gnorri, Star Vampire, Servitor of the Outer Gods, Gug, Shantak, and Bhole were originally tied to Stretch Goals that were not reached, but were included in the end despite this.
