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What's needed: O2 release included first draft Tindalos card

Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} is an expansion released with Onslaught Two. It is a set of glow-in-the-dark versions of the first eight factions' Great Old Ones, excluding Great Cthulhu, whose Great Old One was released as Glowthulhu. With the exception of Azathoth, these figures were released with loyalty cards allowing them to be used as Independent GOOs, which were also made available as a download for use with the base figures. This expansion also includes a loyalty card for the Hound of Tindalos.



Great Old Ones
Image Unit Quantity Cost Combat Spellbooks
The King in Yellow (Glow)
The King in Yellow 1 2 0

Loyalty Card - The King in Yellow

How to Awaken The King in Yellow:
  1. Your Controlled Gate is in an Area with your Great Old One.
  2. Pay 2 Power, and place The King in Yellow in the Area containing the Gate.
Defilement (Action: Cost 2): If the King in Yellow is in an Area with no Desecration token, roll a die. On a roll equal or less than the number of your Units in the Area (including the King), place a Desecration token into that Area. Whatever the result, place a Monster or Cultist with a cost of 2 or less into the Area.
Spellbook - The King in YellowSpellbook - The King in Yellow (Feast) Spellbook Requirement: Place a Desecration token in an Area containing an enemy-controlled Gate.
Feast (Gather Power Phase): Gain 1 Power per Area containing a Desecration token.
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)
Herald of Hastur; ruler of madness and art and joy and pain. Seek not to know what lies behind the Pallid Mask.
This unit should not be used if Yellow Sign is in play.
Hastur (Glow)
Hastur 1 6 *

Loyalty Card - Hastur

How to Awaken Hastur:
  1. Your Controlled Gate is in an Area with your Great Old One.
  2. Pay 6 Power, and place Hastur in the Area containing the Gate.
  3. Gain 1 Elder Sign.
Combat: Equal to half of the current cost of a Ritual of Annihilation (round down).
The Stars are Wrong (Doom Phase): Gain 1 Elder Sign each Doom Phase in which you Control a Gate in the Area containing Yellow Sign's Faction Glyph (NOT one of the King in Yellow's 3 Spellbook Glyphs, but the Yellow Sign, itself).
Spellbook - HasturSpellbook - Hastur (Vengeance) Spellbook Requirement: As your Action, select another player to gain 3 Doom points.
Vengeance (Post-Battle): If Hastur is involved in a Battle, you choose which Combat results are applied to which enemy Units. For instance, you could apply a Kill to a particular enemy Great Old One involved in that Battle.
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)
Hastur the Unspeakable. Just saying its name can bring about its undesired, frightful presence.
This unit should not be used if Yellow Sign is in play.
Shub-Niggurath (Glow)
Shub-Niggurath 1 4 *

Loyalty Card - Shub-Niggurath

How to Awaken Shub-Niggurath:
  1. Your Controlled Gate is in an Area with your Great Old One.
  2. Pay 4 Power, and place Shub-Niggurath in the Area containing the Gate.
Combat: Equal to the total number of Gates you Control.
Fertile (Ongoing): When you Recruit a Cultist, you can Recruit more than one as a single Action, into one or more Areas. You may still only Summon a single Monster per Summon Action.
Spellbook - Shub-NiggurathSpellbook - Shub-Niggurath (Avatar) Spellbook Requirement: Share Areas with all enemy Factions (i.e., both you and the enemy have Units there).
Avatar (Action: Cost 1): Choose an Area and a Faction. Swap the location of Shub-Niggurath with that of a Monster or Cultist in the chosen Area, chosen by the Faction owner.
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)
Iä! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods With a Thousand Young!
This unit should not be used if Black Goat is in play.
Nyarlathotep (Glow)
Nyarlathotep 1 6 *

Loyalty Card - Nyarlathotep

How to Awaken Nyarlathotep:
  1. Your Controlled Gate is in an Area with your Great Old One.
  2. Pay 6 Power, and place Nyarlathotep in the Area containing the Gate.
Combat: Equal to the total number of Spellbooks held by your enemy (Faction Spellbooks, as well as any others).
Chaos (Ongoing): Nyarlathotep can Move 2 Areas on a Move Action. He can fly over Areas containing enemy Units.
Spellbook - NyarlathotepSpellbook - Nyarlathotep (The Harbinger) Spellbook Requirement: Capture an enemy Cultist.
The Harbinger (Post-Battle): If Nyarlathotep is in a Battle in which one or more enemy Great Old Ones are Killed or Pained, receive Power equal to half of the cost of Awakening those Great Old Ones. For each enemy Great Old One so affected, you may choose to receive 2 Elder Signs instead of Power.
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)
The howler, messenger and soul of the Great Old Ones. Seek his favor at your peril.
This unit should not be used if Crawling Chaos is in play.
Yog-Sothoth (Glow)
Yog-Sothoth 1 6 *

Loyalty Card - Yog-Sothoth

How to Awaken Yog-Sothoth:
  1. Your Controlled Gate is in an Area with your Great Old One.
  2. Pay 6 Power, and place Yog-Sothoth in the Area containing the Gate.
Combat: Equal to the the number of enemy Faction Great Old Ones (not counting any Independent Great Old Ones).
The Beyond-One (Action: Cost 1): Yog-Sothoth must be in an Area containing a Gate, but no enemy Great Old One. Move Yog-Sothoth to any Area on the map lacking a Gate. In doing so, he takes the Gate with him, along with any Controlling Unit.
Spellbook - Yog-SothothSpellbook - Yog-Sothoth (The Key and the Gate) Spellbook Requirement: Yog-Sothoth shares an Area with an enemy Great Old One.
The Key and the Gate (Ongoing): Yog-Sothoth counts as a Gate for every purpose, except that he is not Controlled by a Cultist and can exist in the same Area as another Gate.
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)
Yog-Sothoth is the Way. Yog-Sothoth is the Gate. All is One to Yog-Sothoth.
This unit should not be used if Opener of the Way is in play.
Tsathoggua (Glow)
Tsathoggua 1 4 *

Loyalty Card - Tsathoggua

How to Awaken Tsathoggua:
  1. Your Controlled Gate is in an Area with your Great Old One.
  2. Pay 4 Power, and place Tsathoggua in the Area containing the Gate.
Combat: Equals half your enemy's Power (round down).
Death from Below (Doom Phase): Take your lowest cost Monster from your Pool and place it in Tsathoggua's Area.
Spellbook - TsathogguaSpellbook - Tsathoggua (Lethargy) Spellbook Requirement: As an Action, spend 3 Power and choose an enemy player to gain 3 Power.
Lethargy (Action: Cost 0): If Tsathoggua is in play and at least one enemy player has more Power than you, do nothing. This counts as an Action.
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)
The Sleeper, Tsathoggua squeezes his way up through the rock to take his place on the surface world. His long slumber has left him voracious. Feed him!
This unit should not be used if Sleeper is in play.
Rhan-Tegoth (Glow)
Rhan-Tegoth 1 4 2

Loyalty Card - Rhan-Tegoth

How to Awaken Rhan-Tegoth:
  1. Your Controlled Gate is in an Area with your Great Old One.
  2. Pay 4 Power, and place Rhan-Tegoth in the Area containing the Gate.
Herald (Doom Phase): You never pay more than 5 Power to perform a Ritual of Annihilation, regardless of its actual cost.
Spellbook - Rhan-TegothSpellbook - Rhan-Tegoth (Eternal) Spellbook Requirement: Control a Gate in an Area with a Windwalker Glyph.
Eternal (Post-Battle): If Rhan-Tegoth receives a Kill result in Battle, you may pay 1 Power to turn it into a Pain.
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)
Harbinger of the Great Old Ones. He waits beneath the arctic ice, to one day sing his threnody for Earth's funeral.
This unit should not be used if Windwalker is in play.
Ithaqua (Glow)
Ithaqua 1 4 5

Loyalty Card - Ithaqua

How to Awaken Ithaqua:
  1. Your Controlled Gate is in an Area with your Great Old One.
  2. Pay 4 Power, and place Ithaqua in the Area containing the Gate.
Hibernate (Action: Cost 0): You can perform no more Actions during the rest of this Action Phase (as if you were at 0 Power). Add your current Power to your total in the next Gather Power Phase.
Spellbook - IthaquaSpellbook - Ithaqua (Ferox) Spellbook Requirement: Gates exist in both Areas containing a Windwalker Glyph.
Ferox (Ongoing): Your Cultists cannot be Captured by enemy Monsters or Terrors. They are still vulnerable to enemy Great Old Ones.
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)
God of Outer Space, it seeks to bring the ultimate zero of the cosmos to our world.
This unit should not be used if Windwalker is in play.
Azathoth (Glow)
Azathoth 1 0 *

How to Awaken Azathoth:
  1. You must have 8+ Power and your Great Old One at your Controlled Gate.
  2. Roll 1 die and add 2 to the total, then lose that much Power (i.e., 3-8).
  3. All enemy players choose and simultaneously reveal a die face. Each receives Power equal to the reveal (i.e., 1-6). The players(s) with the lowest score loses 2 Doom points. Total the dice, and place the Azathoth glyph on that spot on the Doom track. Place Azathoth at your Controlled Gate.
Combat: Equals the position of the Azathoth glyph on the Doom track.
Daemon Sultan (Ongoing): If Azathoth is chosen to receive a Kill, roll 1d6. Lower the Azathoth marker by the result. If the marker reaches 0, Azathoth is Killed.
Spellbook - Azathoth (GOO)Spellbook - Azathoth (Nuclear Chaos) Spellbook Requirement: All players have at least one Great Old One in play
Nuclear Chaos (Action: Cost 0): Each player rolls 1d6. The player(s) with the highest roll gains that much Power. The player(s) with the lowest roll gains that many Elder Signs. You (only) may choose to add or subtract 1 to your die roll after seeing the results. Flip this Spellbook face down (it cannot be used again this Phase). Flip it face up again during Gather Power.
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)
The Blind Idiot God. Stars explode and are born at its whim, as it whirls at the center of creation. Is it, in fact, the Big Bang given grim reality?
Ubbo-Sathla (Glow)
Ubbo-Sathla 1 4 *

Loyalty Card - Ubbo-Sathla

How to Awaken Ubbo-Sathla:
  1. Your Controlled Gate is in an Area with your Great Old One.
  2. Pay 4 Power, and place Ubbo-Sathla in the Area containing the Gate.
  3. Place Ubbo-Sathla's Growth counter at 0 on the Doom track.
Combat: Equal to the current position of Ubbo-Sathla's Growth counter.
Sycophancy (Doom Phase): When an enemy player does a Ritual of Annihilation, either you gain 1 Doom, or he earns 1 fewer Doom, his choice.
Spellbook - Ubbo-SathlaSpellbook - Ubbo-Sathla (Hell's Banquet) Spellbook Requirement: As an Action, remove your Controlled Gate from your Start Area, then roll a die and increase Ubbo-Sathla's Growth counter by the number rolled.
Hell's Banquet (Doom Phase): Roll a die,and increase Ubbo-Sathla's Growth counter by the amount shown.
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)
The unbegotten source lies at the ancient origin of the world, guarding the carefully inscribed tablets of the elder gods. Can this being, and the wisdom it protects, be brought forward to our time? And if so, should it?
This unit should not be used if Tcho-Tcho is in play.

Other components[]

Other components
Image Component Quantity Notes
Growth Counter
Growth Counter 1 Used for Ubbo-Sathla
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1), Tcho-Tcho {CW-F5} (x1)
Loyalty Card - Hound of Tindalos
Loyalty Card - Hound of Tindalos 1
Availability: Glow Great Old Ones {CW-GLO2} (x1)