Cthulhu Wars Strategy Wiki
Cthulhu Wars Strategy Wiki

CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} is an expansion released with Onslaught Three. It includes all of the components that were given for free to backers of Onslaught Three, excluding Nodens, Cacodemon, and the O3 Ω Master Rulebook. The nine gray faction Acolytes may be used as Handicap Acolytes. This expansion also includes the Onslaught Three errata, as well as loyalty cards for the Eradicators and Worms of Ghroth.



Image Unit Quantity Cost Combat Spellbooks
The Eidolon File:The Eidolon (Painted).png
The Eidolon 1 2 0

Loyalty Card - The Eidolon

How to Obtain the The Eidolon Loyalty Card: Pay 2 Doom to take this Loyalty Card. Then place the Eidolon anywhere on the Map.
Hierarchy (Ongoing): The Eidolon generates 1 Power during the Gather Power Phase. He can be Captured like any Cultist and is Recruited, rather than Summoned. He cannot Create or Control Gates.
Eldritch Wisdom (Ongoing): If the Eidolon is in play, after any player's Action you can force each player to write down his or her next Action and then flip this Loyalty Card face-down. Example: an enemy who plans to Move must write "Move" but he need not say which Units are Moving, nor to where. On each player's next Action, they must perform that Action unless it is now impossible to do so. In this case another Action may be taken. Flip this Loyalty Card faceup in the next Doom Phase.
Notes: Once the Eidolon's Loyalty card is in play, any player may Recruit him.
Availability: H.P. Lovecraft First Player Marker {CW-E1} (x1), CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), H.P. Lovecraft First Player Marker {CW-E21} (x1)
The Prophetess File:The Prophetess (Painted).png
The Prophetess 1 2 0

Loyalty Card - The Prophetess

How to Obtain the The Prophetess Loyalty Card: Pay 2 Doom to take this Loyalty Card, then place the Prophetess into any area on the Map.
Hierarchy (Ongoing): The Prophetess generates 1 Power during the Gather Power Phase. She can be Captured like any Cultist and is Recruited rather than Summoned. She cannot Create or Control Gates.
True Vision (Doom Phase): The player with the highest-ranked Unit in the Area with the Prophetess can pay extra Power when performing a Ritual of Annihilation. That player gains 1 additional Elder Sign for every 3 (additional) Power spent. Unit rank in order from lowest to highest is Cultist, Monster, Terror, Independent Great Old One, Faction Great Old One. In case of a tie, no one benefits from True Vision.
Notes: Once the Prophetess' Loyalty card is in play, any player can Recruit her (she still belongs to the Faction which has this Loyalty Card).
Availability: Asenath Waite First Player Marker {CW-E2} (x1), CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Asenath Waite First Player Marker {CW-E22} (x1)
Brain Cylinder Token - The Ancients
File:Brain Cylinder Figure.png File:Brain Cylinder Figure (Painted).png
Brain Cylinder 4 0 0
Availability: [Token] CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x4)
[Figure] CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x4), Shining Trapezohedron {CW-E15-O3} (x4), Shining Trapezohedron {CW-E15-O4} (x4), Brain Cylinder Blister Pack {RPG-E15-10} (x1)
This helpless human, reduced to a mere living brain by the surgical and mechanical skill of the aliens, can now only communicate through electronic devices. What wisdom or warning can he relate?
The Brain Cylinder figures replace the Brain Cylinder Tokens.
High Priest (Classic) - The Ancients High Priest (Classic) - The Ancients (Painted)
High Priest 1 3 0

Availability: High Priests {CW-U3-O3} (x1), CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Classic High Priest for the Ancients {CW-E25} (x1), High Priest Blister Pack {RPG-U3-HP} (x2)
He leads the rites of old. It is time to awaken the great old ones! Iä! Iä!
Acolyte (Handicap) - Great Cthulhu File:Acolyte (Handicap) - Great Cthulhu (Painted).png
Acolyte 1 1 0
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Neutral Grey Acolytes {CW-E24} (x1)
Acolyte (Handicap) - Yellow Sign File:Acolyte (Handicap) - Yellow Sign (Painted).png
Acolyte 1 1 0
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Neutral Grey Acolytes {CW-E24} (x1)
Acolyte (Handicap) - Crawling Chaos Acolyte (Handicap) - Crawling Chaos (Painted)
Acolyte 1 1 0
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Neutral Grey Acolytes {CW-E24} (x1)
Acolyte (Handicap) - Black Goat Acolyte (Handicap) - Black Goat (Painted)
Acolyte 1 1 0
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Neutral Grey Acolytes {CW-E24} (x1)
Acolyte (Handicap) - Opener of the Way Acolyte (Handicap) - Opener of the Way (Painted)
Acolyte 1 1 0
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Neutral Grey Acolytes {CW-E24} (x1)
Acolyte (Handicap) - Sleeper File:Acolyte (Handicap) - Sleeper (Painted).png
Acolyte 1 1 0
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Neutral Grey Acolytes {CW-E24} (x1)
Acolyte (Handicap) - Windwalker Acolyte (Handicap) - Windwalker (Painted)
Acolyte 1 1 0
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Neutral Grey Acolytes {CW-E24} (x1)
Acolyte (Handicap) - Tcho-Tcho File:Acolyte (Handicap) - Tcho-Tcho (Painted).png
Acolyte 1 1 0
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Neutral Grey Acolytes {CW-E24} (x1)
Acolyte (Handicap) - The Ancients Acolyte (Handicap) - The Ancients (Painted)
Acolyte 1 1 0
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Neutral Grey Acolytes {CW-E24} (x1)
Image Unit Quantity Cost Combat Spellbooks
Cindrew Putorius File:Cindrew Putorius (Painted).png
Cindrew Putorius 1 1 1

Loyalty Card - Cindrew Putorius

How to Obtain the Cindrew Putorius Loyalty Card: Pay 1 Doom to take this Loyalty Card, then place Cindrew anywhere on the Map. Hand this Loyalty Card to another player; that player now owns Cindrew.
Traitor (Ongoing): Any player may Move any Investigator.
Starstone (Gather Power): Instead of granting its captor 1 Power, a captured Investigator instead costs its captor 1 Power.
Short Attention Span (Ongoing): After taking any action that ends in Cindrew's Area, lay her on her side in that Area. Your next Action cannot end there. You may stand Cindrew up again after your next Action.
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), The Investigators {CW-E23} (x1), Planet Apocalypse - Core Game (x1)
This unit was originally developed for Planet Apocalypse.
Hannah Hazard File:Hannah Hazard (Painted).png
Hannah Hazard 1 1 1

Loyalty Card - Hannah Hazard

How to Obtain the Hannah Hazard Loyalty Card: Pay 1 Doom to take this Loyalty Card. Hand it to another player, who then places Hannah into their Pool.
Traitor (Ongoing): Any player may Move any Investigator.
Starstone (Gather Power): Instead of granting its captor 1 Power, a captured Investigator instead costs its captor 1 Power.
Loner (Ongoing): You may only declare Battle in an area adjacent to the one in which Hannah is located. She adds 1 Pain to your combat totals and is unaffected by any results rolled by your enemy.
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), The Investigators {CW-E23} (x1), Planet Apocalypse - Core Game (x1), Hannah Hazard Miniature STL {PA-8}
Hannah is a lone sniper. Her ability is “Loner” and is both beneficial and harmful. She is scouting the perimeter, keeping concealed, and taking out a few key installations. Your faction can become semi-dependent on her benefits, so your troops won’t fight without her assistance.
This unit was originally developed for Planet Apocalypse.
Amelia Azevedo File:Amelia Azevedo (Painted).png
Amelia Azevedo 1 1 1

Loyalty Card - Amelia Azevedo

How to Obtain the Amelia Azevedo Loyalty Card: Pay 1 Doom to take this Loyalty Card. Hand it to another player, who then places Amelia into their Pool.
Traitor (Ongoing): Any player may Move any Investigator.
Starstone (Gather Power): Instead of granting its captor 1 Power, a captured Investigator instead costs its captor 1 Power.
Self-Sacrificing (Post-Battle): If Amelia participated in the Battle, she must be the first of your Units that is assigned to be Killed. If Amelia was not in the Battle, then your most expensive Monster in that Battle must be chosen as your first Kill.
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), The Investigators {CW-E23} (x1), Pack of the Pit {PA-E3}
This unit was originally developed for Planet Apocalypse.
Moose Kowalski Moose Kowalski (Painted)
Moose Kowalski 1 1 1

Loyalty Card - Moose Kowalski

How to Obtain the Moose Kowalski Loyalty Card: Pay 1 Doom to take this Loyalty Card. Hand it to another player, who then places Moose into their Pool.
Traitor (Ongoing): Any player may Move any Investigator.
Starstone (Gather Power): Instead of granting its captor 1 Power, a captured Investigator instead costs its captor 1 Power.
Overconfident (Ongoing): If you declare Battle in an area that does not contain Moose, pay 1 Doom, rather than 1 Power, to initiate the Battle.
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), The Investigators {CW-E23} (x1), Void Pack {PA-E1} (x1)
This unit was originally developed for Planet Apocalypse.
Tarang File:Tarang (Painted).png
Tarang 1 1 1

Loyalty Card - Tarang

How to Obtain the Tarang Loyalty Card: Pay 1 Doom to take this Loyalty Card. Hand it to another player, who then places Tarang anywhere on the Map.
Traitor (Ongoing): Any player may Move any Investigator.
Starstone (Gather Power Phase): Instead of granting its captor 1 Power, a captured Investigator instead costs its captor 1 Power.
Cowardice (Ongoing): If a Great Old One Moves into Tarang's Area, Tarang and all of your other Cultists in the area immediately retreat to an adjacent Area of your choice.
Notes: If Tarang is not in play during the Doom Phase, his owner MUST then place him for free into any Area of the Map.
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), The Investigators {CW-E23} (x1), Planet Apocalypse - Core Game (x1)
This unit was originally developed for Planet Apocalypse.
John Dark File:John Dark (Painted).png
John Dark 1 1 1

Loyalty Card - John Dark

How to Obtain the John Dark Loyalty Card: Pay 1 Doom to take this Loyalty Card. Hand it to another player, who then places John into their Pool.
Traitor (Ongoing): Any player may Move any Investigator.
Starstone (Gather Power): Instead of granting its captor 1 Power, a captured Investigator instead costs its captor 1 Power.
Hellbound (Ongoing): If John Dark is in your pool when you qualify for an Elder Sign you must instead place him anywhere on the map, for free.
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), The Investigators {CW-E23} (x1), Planet Apocalypse - Core Game (x1)
This unit was originally developed for Planet Apocalypse.
Victor Steele File:Victor Steele (Painted).png
Victor Steele 1 2 1

Loyalty Card - Victor Steele

How to Obtain the Victor Steele Loyalty Card: Pay 1 Doom to take this Loyalty Card. Hand it to another player, who then places Victor into their Pool.
Traitor (Ongoing): Any player may Move any Investigator.
Starstone (Gather Power Phase): Instead of granting its captor 1 Power, a captured Investigator instead costs its captor 1 Power.
Poor Planning (Ongoing): If Victor is not on the Map at the end of the Doom Phase, choose another player. That player names any legal Action ("Move," "Battle," "Dreams," etc.), which you must then perform as your first post-Doom Action. That player does not determine which Units to activate or how to apply the chosen Action.
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), The Investigators {CW-E23} (x1), Dragon Pack {PA-E2} (x1)
This unit was originally developed for Planet Apocalypse.
Naomi Johnson File:Naomi Johnson (Painted).png
Naomi Johnson 1 0 −3

Loyalty Card - Naomi Johnson

How to Obtain the Naomi Johnson Loyalty Card: Pay 1 Doom to take this Loyalty Card. Hand it to another player, who then places Naomi into their Pool.
Traitor (Ongoing): Any player may Move any Investigator.
Starstone (Gather Power Phase): Instead of granting its captor 1 Power, a captured Investigator instead costs its captor 1 Power.
Consumed by Vengeance (Ongoing): Any player may Recruit Naomi Johnson.
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), The Investigators {CW-E23} (x1), Planet Apocalypse - Core Game (x1)
This unit was originally developed for Planet Apocalypse.


Image Unit Quantity Cost Combat Spellbooks
Gate (Glow)
Gate 1 3 N/A
Notes: Used for Colour Out of Space
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1)
Gate - The Ancients File:Gate - The Ancients (Painted).png
Gate 1 3 N/A
Notes: Used for Colour Out of Space
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Eldritch Gate Pack {CW-U9-O3} (x1)

Other components[]

Other components
Image Component Quantity Notes
Eradication First-Player Marker File:Eradication First-Player Marker (Painted).png
Eradication First-Player Marker 1
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1)
Handicap Acolyte Rules
Handicap Acolyte Rules 1
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1)
Loyalty Card - Worms of Ghroth
Loyalty Card - Worms of Ghroth 1
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1)
Loyalty Card - Eradicators
Loyalty Card - Eradicators 1
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1)
Spellbook - Great Cthulhu (Dreams)
Dreams 1
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Ultimate Errata Pack {CW-E26} (x1)
Spellbook - Great Cthulhu (Submerge)
Submerge 1
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Ultimate Errata Pack {CW-E26} (x1)
Spellbook - Tcho-Tcho (Hierophants)
Hierophants 1
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Ultimate Errata Pack {CW-E26} (x1)
Spellbook - Tcho-Tcho (Tablets of the Gods)
Tablets of the Gods 1
Availability: CW Onslaught 3 Stretch Goal Box {CW-E20} (x1), Ultimate Errata Pack {CW-E26} (x1)